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Hi Everyone,

We think we are pleased to provide clarity for everyone around the cleaning actions and what this entails:
The cleaning action we arrange is an opportunity for everyone to make a big impact together on the area we focus on. 
It's an opportunity to jump in together as a community for young and old alike. to make a difference.  Come and fall in at any time. Even if it is only half an hour. Just like we said. you can have all the tools , but if you don't have the hands to use the tools, it doesn't help anything. Our Short Hands at Green Kathu

Then too, if you can't attend the cleaning action, nothing stops you from keeping your sidewalk clean in your own neighborhood or in front of your own home or jumping into your tree strip. 
That's how we're going to achieve our goal together.. A CLEAN Kathu !!!
And make it sustainable. 
Don't wait for your neighbor. Start and invite him to do the same. 
We also told each other at Green Kathu.. if we clean up we do it with EXCELLENCE, thoroughness and right.

When cleaning, we focus on the following: 

We dig cement pavements along the tarmac open again. 
Not only wipe the road clean, but pick up the soil on wT lying along the tarmac and drive it away with a wheelbarrow to lower lying areas.. and work the piles flat. 
The idea is to re-level the street and cement trails.  
We pick up all broken cement paving, all stones and bricks lying around in fields, throwing on one heap and driving away later. 
We pick up garbage.

We rake all dry branches and old garden waste under thorn trees and drive them away. 
We saw dead branches from trees.. and the plan is to remove all the dead stumps in middlemen and replace them with new Camel trees. 
Then we dig out cement cones that are closed under ground , paint them and space them neatly again in place. 
After that, we try to put down a sponsored green Kathu drums as far as possible where we are finished. 
That way we can enjoy our town again, let our moms walk with their prams, joggers can jog, our cyclists and kids can cycle, on pretty clean paths and a clean town. 
It's possible and it's already begun!!!



our great supporters

these are the heroes who sponsor is to get things done. Without you we would not be able to accomplish this great task

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